Home 9 Articles 9 Reasons to Buy Used Furniture

Reasons to Buy Used Furniture

by | Dec 10, 2021 | Articles, Furniture Sales | 0 comments

While new furniture might be nice, there’s a ton of used furniture just waiting to be bought. And while sometimes it’s nice getting a brand new piece of furniture, there’s definitely a lot of reasons to be looking at used options. We’ll give you a few reasons to include used furniture when searching for your next sofa or coffee table.

In Stock

Used furniture is typically available immediately. While supply chain issues have been hammering just about every industry across the globe, having anything readily available is a huge benefit. There’s no wait for production lines or the product getting shipped to a warehouse first; it’s there, it’s yours.


Old furniture sitting in a brick room with hardwood floorsUsed furniture has been through some wear-and-tear. Because of this, they are priced cheaper than when they were first purchased as new. Most likely, you’ll end up saving a ton of money by purchasing used over new, and if you find a used item that looks new, that’s even better!

Environmentally Friendly

The cost of making new furniture isn’t just paid from your wallet. Oftentimes, the different processes it takes to produce a new piece of furniture, along with shipping it out, are pretty bad for the environment. And throwing them out makes it even worse: Americans alone put 9.6 million tons of furniture into landfills over the last few years. By purchasing a piece of used furniture, you both help keep the used furniture out of a landfill for longer while also reducing carbon emissions and creating less pollution.

Longer Lasting

You can purchase some new furniture for the same price as used furniture pieces. However, typically the quality of those new pieces of furniture is not great. They have short shelf lives and will tend to break much more easily. More expensive furniture tends to last way longer. Most used furniture has been able to stand the test of time. It can most likely last you even longer than cheap, new furniture, meaning you’ll have your furniture lasting longer and looking better.

Tips To Buying Used Furniture

While buying used furniture can be great, there are some things you should look out for

  1. Test it out! Make sure it works as you’ll need it to
  2. Check for bedbugs
  3. Check for any odd scents, and avoid any items that smell
  4. If you know the make/model/year of the furniture, check to see if it has been recalled